How to Look at Pyrite

© Copyright 2021 Christina Iskender, Ryerson University.

Crystals form into clusters in various shapes, colours, opaqueness and shine. They are taken from rock formations that were cut into small chunks so that you can consume and optimize their remaining energy and healing power. 

Pyrite, a mineral formation, is brass-yellow in colour and has a metallic finish that makes it stand out from the other healing rocks. The mineral’s pleasing look may be deceiving, for it is actually very common and very inexpensive to purchase. In Greek, the word “pyro” means “fire” and therefore, pyrite was named this because of the crystal’s ability to create a flame by rubbing the two together.

Pyrite is known as “fool’s gold” because miners commonly mix up this mineral with gold due to their similar colour and brilliance. There is something to be said of something that almost looks exactly like something valuable but hasn’t been deemed the same importance.  

Fig. 1. Christina Iskender. “My Pyrite”. February 9, 2021. Digital Photograph. ©Christina Iskender.

Crystal energy healing has been a practice since the Ancient Egyptians and since then, it has been adept for various religions and ways of spirituality (“A Brief History of Crystals and Healing”). The use of pyrite in meditation is to promote wealth, prosperity and success. It took years of energy for the earth to create these objects and thus, that same power continues on in the energy of the formation. In the case of pyrite, its healing powers are said to be so immense and strongly activate one’s personal will (“Science & Origin of Pyrite”). 

Pyrite mesmerizes your eye with its complicated combination of shapes that create unique clusters. The large cubic pieces make the rock seem like someone had carved it when, in actuality, they are one of nature’s fascinating works. Like a snowflake, each piece of pyrite is unique and splendorous.

My pyrite (Fig. 1) has clusters of solid pieces that create various gaps and holes. The asymmetrical and irregular structure of the cluster reflects the strength of the mineral formation. During the Greek and Roman Empires, pyrite was used for amulets, lockets and pins (“Science & Origin of Pyrite”). The flat sides of the many cubic pieces mirror the light in a way that sparkles as if it should always be on a piece of jewelry.

When you consume a crystal to use its energies, the sensation of its healing powers can coincide with the rock’s visual appeal. Personally, I think pyrite is the only crystal that looks like what it does. Pyrite evokes feelings of luxury, value and rarity. When in reality, my pyrite cost twenty dollars. This deceiving look of the crystal holds value to those who recognize its aptitude. 

Whenever I catch a glance of my pyrite when I walk past it, I am mesmerized by its striking appearance. When you hold it, you’ll find yourself continually rotating it to examine it at all angles. Pyrite’s looks of strength and luxury make you feel like you are absorbing those characteristics by merely recognizing in them. 

© Copyright 20201 Iskender, Christina. “My Pyrite” Digital Photograph. Ryerson University. 9

January 2021.

Elkins, James. How to Use Your Eyes. New York: Routledge, 2000. Print.

“Pyrite Meanings and Crystal Properties.” Meanings and Crystal Properties – The Crystal


Scialla, Janelle. “A Brief History of Crystals and Healing.”,

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