Seeing Critically: Papers

Papers 2022

Surviving in a Real-Life Dystopia 101: The Last of Us Part II as a Social Critique Concerning the COVID-19 Pandemic
Sariya Adnan

Influence of Visual Culture on Kpop
Natasha Budhai

Male and Female Gaze in Bridgerton
Veronicaline Daan

“She Also Has Eyes for You:” Examining the Gaze and the Male Spectatorial Position in American McGee’s Alice and Alice: Madness Returns
William Downey

Pet Tourism Photography
Cristal Gillette

@Dudewithsign and the Effects of Peaceful Protesting on Social Media
Paige Gray

Capitalism in Miyazaki’s “Spirited Away”
Fatima Hammoud

Body Snatchers and Oz: Using the Visual Medium to Create Political Allegory in Apolitical Films
Caleb Hara

Confronting the Cis-Heteropatriarchy: Rethinking Representations of Gender and Sexuality Through Gender-Diverse Nude Photography
Devon Harvey

Exploring the Female Gaze in Portrait of a Lady on Fire
Julia McGolrick

Paris Hilton and the Cultural Phenomenon of Celebrity through Visual Image
Tricia Simpson


Papers 2020

Developing the “Princess Culture”
Cassandra Abas

Papers 2018

Developing the “Princess Culture”
Cassandra Abas

Differences in Entertainment Experiences between Immersive Cinema and Theatre
Raymond Ablack

Disney and the Female American Dream
Jasmine Bhullar

Batman and The Joker: An Ambiguous Hero and a Disrupting Tool 
Cole Bisson

Moms Unfiltered? How Instagram Changes The Way We Look At Motherhood
Jesse Boland

The Human Body and Context in Film
Erin Bryans

Smartphone E-Waste: A Visual Re/framing – Symbolic Annihilation, Mediacultures and Hyperobjects
Tony Carlucci

Heneral Luna and the Post-Colonial Philippine Identity Crisis 
Christine Chua

Kendrick Lamar’s Collaborative Aesthetic: A Homage to Compton and His Success
Anneliese daSilva Bacalau

Thee sexism is coming from inside the house: Patriarchal perspective in Black Christmas
Kris Dionio

Future Fashion. Analysis of Computer-Generated Fashion Models   
Sabrina Gamrot

Understanding Cultural Appropriation: Through Katy Perry’s Music Videos 
Zaina Hussain

The Empowerment of Three: The Halliwell Sisters Charm Televisual Culture
Abdullah Idrees

Hegemonic Masculinity in the Television Show the 100 
Olivia Ieraci

The Cultural Influence of YouTube Reaction Videos on K-pop 
Mijeong Ki

Moms Unfiltered? How Instagram Changes the Way We Look at Motherhood 
Julia Lennox

Seeing “RuPaul’s Drag Race” Critically
Maria del Mar Londono Forero

A Nightmare of Progressive Violence: Desensitization’s Role in the Horror Film Genre  
Courtney MacKerricher

Gameplay and Narrative in Jak 2: The Function of Power 
Vincent Maher

Kero Kero Bonito and Homer; Farley’s “Only Acting”: Undermining Visual Conceptions of Realism 
Edward-Ian Manapul

VR self portraits with Van Eyck
Jade Maxam

Absurdism and Satire in Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life 
Alexandra McLean

Michael Jackson’s “Earth Song”
Nabil Najibzada

Gaze and Gender in Music Videos Using Charli XCX’s Boys  
Antonella Orlotti Rocha

Tinder’s Impact on 21st Century Relationships  
Chantal Oulette

Cultural Appropriation: Vogue India & Kim Kardashian 
Ummehani Pathan

Decoding Cultural Misrepresentations in Disney’s Moana
Shiana Puri

The Air of Ideology in I Feel Pretty
Kimia Rashidian

The Purpose of Violent Images in Film
Alessia Savino

The Importance of Drag Queens
Julian Scarmato

Keeping Up With The Pressure To Be A Product 
Michelle So

The Imperial Impulse: Primitivism in Modern Art 
Jessica Suljic

Representations of Power, Gender and Sex in 50 Shades of Grey 
Max Swiderski

Visual Analysis – Old Spice 
Matthew Tse

Papers 2017

Lemonade’s Secret Recipe: Decoding the Messages in Beyoncé’s Visual Album
Jesse Boland

Theorizing Disability through Visuality: Seeing #DisabledAndCute Critically
Kelly Craigen

Exposing White Supremacy: Skin Bleaching in Jamaica
Marceleen Ehrig

Critique on Mykki Blanco’s “High School Never Ends”
Jaclyn Hawkins

Visualizing Humour: Memes as Mechanisms of Social Influence
Joshua Kemp

Comedy And Serious Topics: How Is It Portrayed In Film?
Alexis Kuskevics

Before-and-After Photos As A Site of Proof or Controversy
Samantha Lacy

Organic Architecture
Kelsey McCormick

Batman The Killing Joke: Beyond Good and Evil
Soujanan Muraleetharan

Decoding Innocence in Disney’s Zootopia
Sijia Qian

Masculinity Portrayed in Grand Theft Auto V
Kristian Saflor

Trans media Advertising: From Soap to Self-Esteem
Priscilla Sidero

How Music Videos Influenced Pop Music
Matthew Varao